Market Research Services View a Current Listing of Market Research Reports & Lists I. Central Europe Automotive Market Overview: Includes Overview of Vehicle Manufacturers in Central Europe, Components Suppliers, Major Trends in the Auto Industry, and Opportunities and Problems in Central Europe.
II. Custom Research - As a Lead Supplier or as a Subcontractor: The CEAR uses its Central European staff to provide research services covering sales, production, registration, and segmentation data, as well as product, company, and market information. We provide custom research directly to manufacturers and suppliers, and we also work as subcontractors to other consulting and research firms.
III. Competitive Intelligence Reports: Includes the Central Europe Automotive Market Overview, and information on customers, market share, and contacts for companies in Central Europe who are competing in your industry. The reports are designed as an aid for entry into the market, and to determine competitors, potential partners, or possible joint venture prospects.
IV. List Sales: Automotive Manufacturer and Supplier lists by country. Lists include company name, address, phone, fax, and primary contact.
V. Seminars: Half or One Day Seminars designed to provide an understanding of the players and dynamics of the automotive industry in Central Europe. Seminars are targeted to professional firms such as Human Resources, Legal, Accounting, or other service or product providers to the automotive industry.
VI. CEAR Info Desk: Have a question about the automotive markets in Central Europe and can't find an answer? Email or Fax it to the CEAR Info Desk and we'll look for your answer. |